Fotografia de xávega vence prémio internacional

da equipa da aplicação “AGORA” recebi hoje mensagem de que transcrevo parte

“We are thrilled to extend heartfelt congratulations to each of you on your impressive accomplishments in the “A Sea Open for Everyone” Photography Awards. Your captivating submissions have garnered significant votes during our community voting process, reflecting your incredible talent and dedication.

The Jury’s Choice Award has been granted to “Sea Warriors by Antonio Cravo.

(o concurso foi patrocinado pela Fundação “Barcelona Capital Nautica” )

a foto

a foto participa de uma exposição a decorrer, em Barcelona, até ao dia 25 de Abril. de acordo com a informação recebida

“We are pleased to announce that an exhibition featuring your photographs has opened in Barcelona at the Rambla de Catalunya number 126 (Headquarters of the Diputación de Barcelona). This beautiful exhibition is free to the public and will remain open until April 25th”